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How much do I need to test Moose- and MooseX::FollowPBP-generated methods?

I want to start strictly doing Test-Driven-Development. However, I was wondering how much I should test methods generated by Moose and MooseX::FollowPBP. For example, I have the following class:

package Neu::Series;
use Moose;
use MooseX::FollowPBP;

use File::Find::Wanted;

has 'file_regex' => (
    default => sub{
                   [A-Z]       #Uppercase letter
                   [a-zA-Z]*   #any letter, any number of times
                   [-]         #dash
                   (           #open capturing parenthesis
                   [a-zA-Z]?   #any letter, optional
                   )           #close capturing parenthesis

has 'top_dir' => (

has 'access' =>(



My current test script is:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 8;
use Neu::Access;

BEGIN{ use_ok('Neu::Series'); }

can_ok( 'Neu::Series', 'new');
can_ok( 'Neu::Series', 'set_file_regex');
can_ok( 'Neu::Series', 'get_file_regex');
can_ok( 'Neu::Series', 'set_top_dir');
can_ok( 'Neu::Series', 'get_top_dir');
can_ok( 'Neu::Series', 'get_access');

my $access = Neu::Access->new(dsn => 'test');
my $series_worker = Neu::Series->new(access => $access);

isa_ok($series_worker, 'Neu::Series');

Is this enough or too-much testing? (That is, besides the obviously missing tests for the regex).

I thought I saw a web page or another post about this somewhere, but I haven't been able to find it today.


  • I'd focus on testing my specification. Did I tell Moose what I wanted it to do correctly?

    To this end, I'd start with the following tests:

    • Verify that read/write attributes have both an accessor and a mutator.
    • Verify that read only attributes have an accessor and no mutator.
    • Test any type constraints and coercions. Verify that only acceptable values can be set. If an attribute sIf you expect VII to be seen as a Str and coerced into an Int as 7, test that it does.