I have a legacy project written for Delphi 7. I'm about to integrate a bunch of new code into it which includes a test suite using DUnit. DUnit it not a part of Delphi 7 (it has been integrated later), so here's the question: should I include DUnit units into my project (check them into version control etc) or should I better require all the participating developers to maintain their separate DUnit installation?
The project is closed source and is written and deployed only within the enterprise I'm working for—that is, the project source code won't be delivered to any consumer.
The way you've worded your question, there may be some confusion as to what you're asking. So let's get that out of the way first.
It sounds like your asking whether to include DUnit units in your production application. This would be a very bad idea, and I'll avoid the details why in this answer.
However, I understood your question to be about whether you should treat this "third party" source like your own project source code (in terms of source control). And I've answered as such.
There are a number of principles that justify including DUnit source in your SC repository.
I would even go a step further: Even though more recent versions of Delphi include DUnit, I'd still make a copy into Source Control. As much as DUnit is shipped with Delphi - it is really just third party source slapped into a folder.