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Passing "options" to Tastypie Serializers

The documentation for Tastypie serializers and custom serializers shows options defaulting to None:

to_json(self, data, options=None):
    options = options or {}

But then downstream code doesn't seem to leverage it other than passing it to to_simple() which also does nothing with it. There's also no documentation showing how to pass options into these functions. I'd like to be able to pass options here so I can adjust how my serializers work. For example, we have content which references data in GridFS. I want to do something like:


And have this:

to_custom(self, data, options=None):
    options = options or {}
    if options and 'gridfs' in options:


  • I think you'll want to implement your own serializer, as explained here:

    You'll also want to override the create_response function in your resource, which calls serialize:

    You can turn pass in options to serialize here, which will propagated down. For instance:

        def create_response(self, request, data, response_class=HttpResponse, **response_kwargs):
            Extracts the common "which-format/serialize/return-response" cycle.
            Mostly a useful shortcut/hook.
            desired_format = self.determine_format(request)
            serialized = self.serialize(request, data, desired_format, options=request.GET)
            return response_class(content=serialized, content_type=build_content_type(desired_format), **response_kwargs

    For completeness, serialize is also called in error response here: