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run ruby from within an IDE and have each piece of code return a value

I've noticed that when i run a ruby command prompt and enter anything, i always get something returned.

=> 4

=> Fixnum

The command prompt is fine but i want somewhere to save my ruby so i can open it again later etc.

I downloaded netbeans and noticed that 4 and 4.class didn't actually return anything. Fine I thought, maybe that's because it's JRuby or something. I downloaded Komodo Edit and that behaves the same, 4 and 4.class do not return a value when i run the script from Komodo Edit.

The default intepreter path in Komodo Edit 8 is set to


Can I setup netbeans or komodo edit to behave the same as a ruby command prompt by returning something for every piece of code i enter? Is there another IDE I can use to accomplish this?


  • Use the following process for Komodo Edit:

    • Click Tools=>Run Command
    • In the Run field, enter %(ruby) -i %f
    • In the Run in: field, select New Console or Command Output Tab
    • Check Add to Toolbox
