Where I work, our marketing team is looking for a "quick and easy" method up periodically updating some files on a website of ours. I opened my mouth and said "We can use Azure Websites with DropBox!". It all works fine, except that with DropBox, files only deploy if I log into the Azure Portal and click Sync. Needless to say, this is a deal breaker, because the users want to save a file and have everything appear magically.
Is there a way to setup continuous deployments via DropBox on Azure? I don't mind setting up a job to run every 15 minutes to perform a file upload if needed.. but would prefer to avoid that if possible
Thanks In Advance
Currently we don't support the continuous sync with Dropbox. The challenge is the noise and the reliability of the site given those changes. Imagine users naturally modify file by file and Dropbox sync them one at time. You can get into the situation where your site is in transient bad state.