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How to fold in ViM for data files?

I have a type of data file (ENDF, if your interested) for which I'd like to create a custom ViM folding file. The folds would be dependent on (defined by) the contents of columns 66-80 of the file.

Columns 66-80 of the file(s) look something like this:

-columns 1--65                                             -125 0  0    0
-columns 1--65                                             -125 3  1    1
-columns 1--65                                             -125 3  1    2
-columns 1--65                                             -125 3  1    3
-columns 1--65                                             -125 3  1   35
-columns 1--65                                             -125 3  099999
-columns 1--65                                             -125 3  2    1
-columns 1--65                                             -125 3  2   35
-columns 1--65                                             -125 3  099999
-columns 1--65                                             -125 3  099999
-columns 1--65                                             -125 0  0    0
-columns 1--65                                             -125 4  2    1
-columns 1--65                                             -125 4  2  195

I'd like the first indent level to be where columns 71–72 have the same number. In the example above those numbers are 3,4.

The second fold level are where columns 73–76 have the same number. In the above example those numbers are 1 and 2, but could have any number—up to three digits.

Here is my first attempt at a script.

" ENDF folding functions

setlocal foldmethod=expr
setlocal foldexpr=ENDFFolds(v:lnum)

let MF = '0'
let MT = '0'

" This function is executed 
function! ENDFFolds(lnum)
    " Get the current line
    let line = getline(v:lnum)

    let mf = strpart(line, 71, 72)
    echom mf

    " Check to see if we have moved into a new file (MF)
    if mf == MF

        " Check to see if we have moved into a new section (MT)
        let mt = strpart(line, 73, 75)
        if mt == MT
            return "="
            MT = mt
            return ">2"

        MF = mf
        return ">1"

I've put this script in ~/.vim/ftplugin/endf/folding.vim. I know the file is being found because I see the result of echo mf.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work. No folds are found. Please advise.


  • With painstaking trial and error, I came up with this solution:

    setlocal foldmethod=expr
    setlocal foldexpr=ENDFFolds()
    setlocal foldtext=ENDFFoldText()
    let g:current_line = ''
    let g:current_mf = 0
    let g:current_mt = 0
    " This function is executed for every line to determine the fold level
    function! ENDFFolds()
        " Get the current line
        let line = getline(v:lnum)
        let g:previous_mf = g:current_mf
        let g:current_mf = str2nr(strpart(line, 70, 2))
        let g:previous_mt = g:current_mt
        let g:current_mt = str2nr(strpart(line, 72, 3))
        if g:previous_mf == 0
            let g:current_mt = 0
            return '>1'
            if g:previous_mt == 0
                return ">2"
                return "="
    function! ENDFFoldText()
        let foldsize = (v:foldend-v:foldstart)
        let line = getline(v:foldstart)
        let MAT = strpart(line, 66, 4)
        let MF = strpart(line, 70, 2)
        let MT = strpart(line, 72, 3)
        return 'MAT='.MAT.' MF='.MF.' MT='.MT.' '.' ('.foldsize.' lines)'