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JNI - Listener in C++/Java - is it possible to instantiate Java objects in c++ and use them as parameters

Is the following usable with JNI?

public NativeClass {

    static {

    public static native void addListener(Listener listener);

public interface Listener {
    public void eventOccurred(Info info);

public Info {

    private final String s1;
    private final String s2;

    public Info(String s1, String s2);

    // ... getters for use in Java

Is it possible to

  • register a Listener object on a dll (should be no problem, as far as I found out)
  • instantiate an Info object in the c/c++ code and use it as a parameter for calling Listener.eventOccured(Info...)?

Or what would be a good way to implement a listener which gets some information from a DLL?

In my case - we have a dll wich does some work. We call this dll from java. Now we want to attach a listener to the dll, to push us some progress information while working. The above example is the listener part, which I don't know if it is possible regarding the constructor call to a Java constructor from c/c++.

A hint where to find a piece of documentation, which describes the answer would be nice - I could not find infos, which answered my question.

A small snippet of code, describing the c/c++ part would be the icing on the cake :)


  • The short answer is yes, you can hold, instantiate, and pass Java objects in a native layer via JNI.

    In the jni documentation, you will find functions that will do this for you.

    You will also Use javap -s and javah to assist in finding your java method signatures for use in jni and to make your jni headers. See &

    Here is a sample of what you will be doing. I haven't tested it, so just use it as a reference for writing your own. Note: be aware of package notations(I've assumed no package) & Exceptions. Exceptions can happen on any JNI call(env->...), so check the documentation on how to deal with exceptions(ExceptionCheck, ExceptionDescribe, ExceptionClear).

    JavaVM * savedVM = NULL;
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_NativeClass_addListener(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj_instance, jobject listener_instance) 
       env->GetJavaVM( &savedVM );
       //save listener_instance for use later
       saved_listener_instance = listener_instance;
    void doSomething()
        //Get current thread JNIEnv
        JNIEnv * ENV;
        int stat = savedVM->GetEnv((void **)&ENV, JNI_VERSION_1_6);
        if (stat == JNI_EDETACHED)  //We are on a different thread, attach
            savedVM->AttachCurrentThread((void **) &ENV, NULL);
        if( ENV == NULL )
            return;  //Cant attach to java, bail
        //Get the Listener class reference
        jclass listenerClassRef = ENV->GetObjectClass( saved_listener_instance );
        //Use Listener class reference to load the eventOccurred method
        jmethodID listenerEventOccured = ENV->GetMethodID( listenerClassRef, "eventOccurred", "(LInfo;)V" );
        //Get Info class reference
        jclass infoClsRef = ENV->FindClass( "Info" );
        //Create Info class
        jobject info_instance = ENV->NewObject( infoClsRef, ..... );//For you to fill in with your arguments
        //invoke listener eventOccurred
        ENV->CallVoidMethod( saved_listener_instance, listenerEventOccured, info_instance );
        ENV->DeleteLocalRef( info_instance );