This is my code which has switch statement works fine but if user enters greater than 3 or blank text then it should stay in first sub routine how can i do this in perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Switch;
my $input = "Enter the number:";
sub input(){
print "Choose You Input Method"."\n";
print "1.UPC"."\n";
print "2.URL"."\n";
print "3.Elastic Search"."\n";
print $input;
$input = <>;
case 1 {print "UPC"."\n"}
case 2 {print "URL"."\n"}
case 3 {print "Elastic Search"."\n"}
else {print "Enter the correct value"."\n"}
my $pinput = "Enter the number:";
sub pinput(){
print "Choose Your Process Method"."\n";
print "1.API"."\n";
print "2.Mongo"."\n";
print $pinput;
$pinput = <>;
case 1 {print "API"."\n"}
case 2 {print "MONGO"."\n"}
else {print "Enter the correct value"."\n"}
if user enters something like 4 or blank data it should not pass to another sub routine it should stay on the same sub routine how can i do this?
Wrap the prompt code into a block with redo
use warnings;
use strict;
use Switch::Plain;
chomp(my $input = <>);
nswitch ($input) {
case 1 : { print "UPC\n" }
case 2 : { print "URL\n" }
case 3 : { print "Elastic Search\n" }
default : { print "Enter the correct value\n" ; redo PROMPT }
I used Switch::Plain instead of Switch, as it is much safer (it doesn't use a source filter) and sufficient for your case.