I would like to do something like this:
select sum(nvl(total_time_out, 0)),
sum(nvl((case when day_of_week = 'Mon' then total_time_out else 0 end) over (partition by person_id), 0))
from xxpay_tna_summary_v
where person_id = 7926
where the second column only returns the sum of the total time out hours for the Monday. Is this possible in Oracle SQL, and what is the correct syntax?
check this http://sqlfiddle.com/#!4/df376/2
select sum((case when person_id = 100 then total_time_out else 0 end)) total_time,
sum(nvl((case when day_of_week = 'MON' then total_time_out else 0 end), 0)) monday_time
from xxpay_tna_summary_v