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How to use a case or decode as part of an analytical window function in Oracle SQL

I would like to do something like this:

select sum(nvl(total_time_out, 0)),
       sum(nvl((case when day_of_week = 'Mon' then total_time_out else 0 end) over (partition by person_id), 0))
from   xxpay_tna_summary_v
where  person_id = 7926

where the second column only returns the sum of the total time out hours for the Monday. Is this possible in Oracle SQL, and what is the correct syntax?


  • check this!4/df376/2

    select sum((case when person_id = 100 then total_time_out else 0 end)) total_time,
       sum(nvl((case when day_of_week = 'MON' then total_time_out else 0 end), 0)) monday_time
    from   xxpay_tna_summary_v