It is possible to create an IF query for the tag in SPIP? When i have only one article linked to the tag than he take me directly to the article. But if i have more than 1 article, than he does taken me to the tag page of spip, where are the listing of the linked article.
Here the code to go directly to the article
<div id="tagsphere-#ENV{id_article}">
<BOUCLE_mot(MOTS){id_groupe ?}>
<a<BOUCLE_article(ARTICLES){id_mot = #ID_MOT}{0, 1}> href="#URL_ARTICLE"</BOUCLE_article>>
and here the code to go to the tag menu
<div id="tagsphere-#ENV{id_article}">
<BOUCLE_mot(MOTS){id_groupe ?}>
<li>[<a href="#URL_MOT">(#TITRE)</a>]</li>
Thanks in advance
Try this, will work with any SPIP version.
<BOUCLE_mot(MOTS){id_groupe ?}>
[(#REM) Link to mot]
<BOUCLE_check(ARTICLES) {id_mot} {1,1}>
<li><a href="#_mot:URL_MOT">#_mot:TITRE</a></li>
[(#REM) Link to one article]
<BOUCLE_one(ARTICLES) {id_mot} {0,1}>
<li><a href="#URL_ARTICLE">#_mot:TITRE</a></li>