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Application layout loads as plain text after render_to_string

I'm using Gon gem to send some data from Rails to BackBone. My application_controller.rb:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  before_action :init_gon

  def init_gon = render_to_string(template: 'users/_me.json.jbuilder')

So after this, if I open any page of my web application, it only displays html as plain text:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" xmlns="" xmlns="">

How can I handle this?


  • I think your problem is to do with your rendering gon data as string. I think you should pass your data without the need to render a string

    I don't have any experience of that particular part, but I have used gon extensively before. Here's a snippet of a RailsCast covering the subject:

    Gon simply creates a script tag then fills a gon variable with the data that we set in the controller. If we want to customize the JSON that’s returned to the client Gon has support for both RABL and Jbuilder templates, both of which have been covered in recent episodes. To customize the data returned by the list of products we can create an index.json.rabl file and define the attributes we want to be returned there:

    collection Product.limit(10)
    attributes :id, :name, :price
    class ProductsController < ApplicationController
      def index
        gon.rabl "app/views/products/index.json.rabl", as: "products"


    Perhaps this will help? There is a way to render GON data with jBuilder (as I see you are using):

    def init_gon
        gon.jbuilder template: 'users/_me.json.jbuilder'