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Change API Reference at runtime VB.NET 3.5

I'm writing an application for a device running Windows XP. There are 2 versions of the device and each version has its own API to communicate with the device's software. The application I'm writing needs to pull the same data from the API. My question is how to write a application that will detect at runtime which version of the device it is on and use the appropriate API. I've figured out how to read the registry to determine the device.

I've created an interface containing all of the common methods and also classes for each device that implement the interface. Now I need to know how to activate the correct one at runtime.

 Public Interface IAPI

    Sub InitializeMachine()

    Function GetActiveProgram() As String

    Function GetActiveGCodes() As String

    Function GetCurrentBlockNumber() As Integer


End Interface

''#Mill API
Public Class CMAPI : Implements IAPI

    Private ObjMachine As Okuma.CMDATAPI.DataAPI.CMachine
    Private ObjPgm As Okuma.CMDATAPI.DataAPI.CProgram

    Public Sub New()

    End Sub

    Public Function GetActiveGCodes() As String Implements IAPI.GetActiveGCodes
            Return ObjPgm.GetGCodes
        Catch ex As Exception
            Throw ex
        End Try
    End Function

    Public Function GetActiveProgram() As String Implements IAPI.GetActiveProgram

            Return ObjPgm.GetActiveProgramName

        Catch ex As Exception
            Throw ex
        End Try
    End Function

    Public Function GetCurrentBlockNumber() As Integer Implements IAPI.GetCurrentBlockNumber

            Return ObjPgm.GetCurrentBlockNumber

        Catch ex As Exception
            Throw ex
        End Try
    End Function

End Class

''#Lathe API
Public Class CLAPI : Implements IAPI
    Private ObjMachine As Okuma.CLDATAPI.DataAPI.CMachine
    Private ObjPgm As Okuma.CLDATAPI.DataAPI.CProgram

    Public Sub New()

    End Sub

    Public Function GetActiveGCodes() As String Implements IAPI.GetActiveGCodes
            Return ObjPgm.GetGCodes
        Catch ex As Exception
            Throw ex
        End Try
    End Function

    Public Function GetActiveProgram() As String Implements IAPI.GetActiveProgram

            Return ObjPgm.GetActiveProgramName

        Catch ex As Exception
            Throw ex
        End Try
    End Function

End Class


  • I would use a factory method:

    Dim rightAPI As IAPI
    rightAPI = APIFactory.GetAPI(HowYouDistinguishDevice)
    ' Use rightAPI wherever you need it
    public class APIFactory
        public shared function GetAPI(string HowYouDistinguishDevice) as IAPI
            dim oAPI as IAPI
            'do whatever it is you need to do to determine which api to use
            if CMAPI then oAPI = new CMAPI
            if CLAPI then oAPI = new CLAPI
            'or you could use select, whatever
            return oAPI
        end function
    end class