I am working on an app which requires push notifications to be enabled. I have followed this article and worked fine till I downloaded the provisioning profile. I am using Rubymotion to develop this app and hence in my Rakefile I Did this,
app.name = 'Myapp'
app.identifier = 'com.myapp.development'
app.provisioning_profile = '/Users/sunilkumar/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/Myapp_Development.mobileprovision'
'My App' is the name of my app. Identifier is the project identifier (as per the Rubymotion docs and as per my belief thats the bundle identifier ), the default value of which I override to make it same as the App Id which I created in the IOS development center.
In my app_delegate.rb, I also have this piece of code,
UIApplication.sharedApplication.registerForRemoteNotificationTypes(UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert | UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge | UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound)
The issue is that when the device is connected and the app installed, the permission for push notifications is not being asked. I guess I have done almost everything right and is as per the article I linked above, but somehow it just doesn't seem to work. Any help on this would be must appreciated.
Figured it out guys.
I had to set the aps-environment in my RubyMotion project's Rakefile.
app.entitlements['aps-environment'] = 'development'
app.entitlements['get-task-allow'] = true
As soon as I did, it worked for me. Thanks all for the responses.