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how to print an array in smarty?

I have an array:

 $team_details = Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => doge_finder [total_rewards] => 52.00524500 [desciption] => team is only of doge miners [created_by] => 20 );

/* assigning to a smarty template */
$smarty->assign("team_record", $team_details);          

In template file:

{foreach from= $team_record key=team item=trecord}

In result output must be "doge_finder", but I got first initial character of each record in array ie. "1 d 5 t 2"

how can I resolve this problem?


  • You don't have to use {foreach} if you just want to print one associative array. Just use $array.key format.

    In this case, you should print the name by using:


    If you have multiple associative arrays. You can use:

    {foreach from=$team_record key=team item=record}