Search code examples

Link in Wordpress shortcode adds an extra space at the end

I created a shortcode for tooltips we can use on our wordpress site. The shortcode is just a link and it displays a tooltip when you hover over the link although for some reason when using the shortcode it adds an extra space at the end of the link and I can't figure out how to get rid of it. You can see the issue on the page to our site at If you look at any of the links inside the content you'll see an extra space after the link.

add_shortcode('tyrande', 'tyrande');
function tyrande( $atts, $content = null ) {

// Hero Meta Data
$HeroID = 337;
$Hero = Tyrande;
$hero = tyrande;
$franchise = warcraft;

$heroSubname = get_post_meta( $HeroID, 'hero-sub-name', true);

$health_gain = get_post_meta( $HeroID, 'health-gain', true); 
$heroHealth = $health_gain*24+get_post_meta($HeroID, "health-lvl1", true);

$healthRegenGain = get_post_meta( $HeroID, 'health-regen-gain', true);
$heroHealthRegen = $healthRegenGain*24+get_post_meta($HeroID, "health-regen-lvl1", true); 

$manaGain = get_post_meta( $HeroID, 'mana-gain', true);
$heroMana = $manaGain*24+get_post_meta($HeroID, "mana-lvl1", true);

$manaRegenGain = get_post_meta( $HeroID, 'mana-regen-gain', true);
$heroManaRegen = $manaRegenGain*24+get_post_meta($HeroID, "mana-regen-lvl1", true); 

$attackSpeedGain = get_post_meta( $HeroID, 'attack-speed-gain', true);
$heroAttackSpeed = $attackSpeedGain*24+get_post_meta($HeroID, "attack-speed-lvl1", true);

$attackDamageGain = get_post_meta( $HeroID, 'attack-damage-gain', true);
$heroAttackDamage = $attackDamageGain*24+get_post_meta($HeroID, "attack-damage-lvl1", true);

extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'icon' => 'false'), $atts ) );

    if($icon == 'true'){
        $output = '<img class="hero-tt-icon" src="' . $hero . '/' . $hero . '-tt-icon.png" alt="' . $hero . ' Heroes of the Storm">';

$output .= '
    <a class="tooltip" 
    href="' . $hero . '/">' . $Hero . '
        <span class="hero-tooltip">
            <span class="hero-tt-image"><img src="' . $hero . '/' . $hero . '-tt.png" alt="Heroes of the Storm ' . $Hero . '" /></span>
            <span class="hero-tt-info">
                <span class="hero-tt-name-info">
                    <span class="hero-tt-fran"><img src="' . $franchise . '.png" alt="Heroes of the Storm ' . $franchise . ' Franchise" /></span>
                    <span class="hero-tt-name">' . $Hero . '</span>
                    <span class="hero-tt-subname">' . $heroSubname . '</span>
                <span class="HeroStats">
                    <span class="HeroStats-title">Hero Stats at Level 25</span>
                    <span class="HeroStats-row">
                        <span class="HeroStat-left">Health</span>
                        <span class="HeroStat-right">' . $heroHealth . ' (' . $health_gain . ' / level)</span>
                    <span class="HeroStats-row">
                        <span class="HeroStat-left">Health Regen</span>
                        <span class="HeroStat-right">' . $heroHealthRegen . ' (' . $healthRegenGain . ' / level)</span>
                    <span class="HeroStats-row">
                        <span class="HeroStat-left">Mana</span>
                        <span class="HeroStat-right">' . $heroMana . ' (' . $manaGain . ' / level)</span>
                    <span class="HeroStats-row">
                        <span class="HeroStat-left">Mana Regen</span>
                        <span class="HeroStat-right">' . $heroManaRegen . ' (' . $manaRegenGain . ' / level)</span>
                    <span class="HeroStats-row">
                        <span class="HeroStat-left">Attack Speed</span>
                        <span class="HeroStat-right">' . $heroAttackSpeed . ' (' . $attackSpeedGain . ' / level)</span>
                    <span class="HeroStats-row">
                        <span class="HeroStat-left">Attack Damage</span>
                        <span class="HeroStat-right">' . $heroAttackDamage . ' (' . $attackDamageGain . ' / level)</span>
            <span class="clear"></span>

return $output;



  • I will suggest you to use HEREDOC to generate HTML in PHP.

    For quick solution add use preg_replace to remove unwanted space & new line from your output. Add below line just before your return $output statement.

    $output =  preg_replace('/^\s+|\n|\r|\s+$/m', '', $output);