I have a bunch of content files for my iPhone app that I generate via shell script. It takes way too long to be a part of the Xcode build process, so I run it periodically.
I don't want to have to continually add these files to my Xcode project in order to get them included my app resources folder. Is there a way to get Xcode to copy the contents of a folder into the app resources at build time? (It'd be a bonus if I could specify other locations, such as the approot documents folder.)
I tried adding a new 'Copy Files Build Phase' to my target, but that didn't seem to work. This seems like a common problem, but I couldn't find anything about it here.
-- Edit (What I did)
Per Jasarien and cdespinosa's suggestions, I did the following in a build script. I decided not to copy to the destination, because that would only work when using the simulator, I don't think that'll work when deploying to a device.
-- Edit 2
This doesn't appear to get files onto my iPhone. Any ideas?
You can setup a Run Script build phase in your app's target. Write the script so that it copies the resources into the app bundle.