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rbenv Install Ruby Failing on Ubuntu 12.04 Server

I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 trying to get a Rails 4 application running with Passenger. I'm attempting to use rbenv to configure my ruby/rails environments.

I've installed rbenv via apt (sudo apt-get install rbenv). I have access to all of the rbenv tools (install, which, etc.) The issue comes when passenger tries to run the rails app. I suspect it is simply that the passenger service cannot use the local rubies, as a service doesn't have a home folder, but I'm shooting in the dark there.

The specific error I am getting is: /usr/local/bin/rbenv-install: line 117: rbenv-hooks: command not found

This happens in passenger or if I just run rbenv install 2.1.0 (or whatever version)

Any help would be great, Thanks!


  • Turns out this was really simple.

    When running the Passenger Apache Module, there are a number of configuration variables you can add to your virtual hosts file. Somehow I missed the documentation first go around. The solution ended up being as simple as adding this line to my vhosts file:

    PassengerRuby /home/{user}/.rbenv/versions/2.1.0/bin/ruby

    All is good now, hope this helps someone else.