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Comparing strings with multiple spaces in between

I've got a programming assignment where I'm supposed to make a program translate a phrase into a fictional language, and then compare it with test translations to confirm it was done correctly. I can get the program to work fine unless the input before translating has multiple spaces between words, which I'm supposed to ignore. I translate the string, only put a single space between words (regardless of how many were in the input between words), and compare it with the test translation to make sure it works. Here are my functions...

// Tests for taurahize_word ----------------------------------------------------
#define NBPHRASES 4
#define PHRASES               { {"a aa aaa", "A Ba Aki"},\
                            {"aaa    aaa", "Aki Aki"},\
                            {"aaaa aaa", "Aoke Aki"},\
                            {"Where is everyone", "Aehok Ba Akiticha"}\

char* taurahize_phrase(const char* const phrase){
    //allocates memory for string array "translation" using length of string to determine size
    int length = strlen(phrase);
    char* translation = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * length);
    *translation = 0;

    //copy of original phrase given to workingTranslation
    char* workingTranslation = strdup(phrase);

    //workingTranslation is tokenized into "transTokens" array
    char* transTokens = strtok(workingTranslation, " ");

    while (transTokens != NULL) {
        char* tempTranslation = taurahize_word(transTokens);
        transTokens = strtok(NULL, " ");
        strcat(translation, tempTranslation);
        strcat(translation, " ");

    *(translation + length) = '\0';


    return strdup(translation);

void runMultipleWordsTests(){
     /* ROLE       Runs tests on the taurahize_phrase function
     int n = 0;
     char* translation = NULL;
     const char* phrases[NBPHRASES][2] = PHRASES;

     printf("\n\n\nTESTING PHRASES TRANSLATIONS\n");

     for(n = 0; n < NBPHRASES ; n++) {
        translation = taurahize_phrase(phrases[n][0]);
          if(strcmp(translation, phrases[n][1]) == 0)
              printf("Test #%d\t%s\n", n, "OK");
              printf("Test #%d\t%s\n", n, "FAILED");

          #ifdef VERBOSE_TESTING
          printf("\tinput is \t%s\n", phrases[n][0]);
          printf("\texpected is \t%s\n", phrases[n][1]);
          printf("\tobserved is \t%s\n", translation);

char* taurahize_word(const char * const word){
    // constant string array with all of the possible translations
    static const char *TRANSLATIONS[16] = {"", "A", "Ba", "Aki", "Aoke", "Aehok", "Aloaki", "Ishnelo", "Akiticha",
                                    "Echeyakee", "Awakahnahe", "Aloakehshni", "Awakeekieloh", "Ishnehawahalo", "Awakeeahmenalo",

    //determine length of passed word
    int length = strlen(word);

    //temporary string to hold translation before returning
    const char* tempWord;

    //default return if the word is too long to translate
    if (length > 15) {
        tempWord = "#@%";
        return strdup(tempWord);

    //assigns string translation to string "tempWord"
    tempWord = TRANSLATIONS[length];

    //returns translation
    return strdup(tempWord);

The void runMultipleWordsTests function is legacy code and isn't supposed to modified, and my taurahize_word function has worked for everything besides the multiple words test with more than one space between words. Any obvious reasons it would be doing this? I think it has something to do with the terminating character when strcmp is used in runMultipleWordsTests. I use strcat in taurahize_phrase to construct the string (as our instructions say), but I also use the function again to add a space after each word. None of the comparisons were passing. Thinking the terminating character might be the problem, I made the line *(translation + length) = '\0' to convert the final character to null, but that only solved the issue for phrases with single spaces.

Test output...

Taurahize Test Output


  • Change

    char* translation = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * length);


    char* translation = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (length + 1));


    I think i get it^^

    Change :

    while (transTokens != NULL) {
            char* tempTranslation = taurahize_word(transTokens);
            transTokens = strtok(NULL, " ");
            strcat(translation, tempTranslation);
            strcat(translation, " ");


    int i = 0;
    while (transTokens != NULL) {
            if (i++ != 0)
             strcat(translation, " ");
            char* tempTranslation = taurahize_word(transTokens);
            transTokens = strtok(NULL, " ");
            strcat(translation, tempTranslation);

    Explanation :

    Here is an exemple of loop. Assume that your sentence is composed of 3 words (so 3 turn into while loop)

    Turn 1:

    i equals 0 -> DO NOT ADD ' ' into translation ADD WORD1 into translation

    translation equals "WORD1" at the end of the turn1

    Turn 2:

    i equals 1 -> ADD ' ' into translation ADD WORD2 into translation

    translation equals "WORD1 WORD2" at the end of the turn2

    Turn 3:

    i equals 2 -> ADD ' ' into translation ADD WORD3 into translation

    translation equals "WORD1 WORD2 WORD3" at the end of the turn3

    then quit the loop

    Your question is : why the if is all time equals to true?

    • it is not! i is equals to 0 in the first turn of the loop

    I change the initial algorithm, explain :

    • Before that was, "Add the word and add a space"
    • Now it is, "If there is a word beside me so add space, then add word"