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Format specifier for integer variables in format() for EXECUTE?

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getParentLtree(parent_id bigint, tbl_name varchar) 
  RETURNS ltree AS
   parent_ltree ltree;
-- This works fine:
-- select into parent_ltree l_tree from tbl1 where id = parent_id;

EXECUTE format('select into parent_ltree l_tree from %I
                where id = %I', tbl_name,parent_id);

RETURN parent_ltree;
$BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

There are 2 issues in above function:

  1. parent_id is integer but it is replaced with quotes? What is the correct format specifier for int variables?
  2. select into does not work with EXECUTE? How can I make above commented query to use table name passed?


  • This would be shorter, faster and safer:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_parent_ltree(parent_id bigint, tbl_name regclass
                                              , OUT parent_ltree ltree)
      LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
       EXECUTE format('SELECT l_tree FROM %s WHERE id = $1', tbl_name)
       INTO  parent_ltree
       USING parent_id;


    Most importantly, use the USING clause of EXECUTE for parameter values. Don't convert them to text, concatenate and interpret them back. That would be slower and error-prone.

    Normally you would use the %I specifier with format() for identifiers like the table name. For existing tables, a regclass object-identifier type may be even better. See:

    The OUT parameter makes it simpler. Performance is the same.

    Don't use unquoted CaMeL case identifiers like getParentLtree in Postgres. Details in the manual.