I have a Handlerbar that has a button, like this:
<button id="addLine" type="image" class="AddButtonClass" title="Add New Line" onclick = "addNewBlock('{{blockId}}');"></button>
I then use this template to create objects dynamically, like this:
var template = window.app.getTemplate('myHandlebar');
var budgetBlock = $(template({blockId: guid}));
$("#BudgetTable tbody").append(budgetBlock);
I then have a function like this:
addNewBlock: function(getId){
The problem is that the button on the Handlebar event never fires. Instead, I get an error "Uncaught ReferenceError: addNewBlock is not defined "
Why cant I assign an onclick event to a button in the handlebars? Is there a way to add an event to a button, dynamically, when the template is created?
try this instead:
<button id="addLine" type="image" class="AddButtonClass" title="Add New Line" data-id="{{blockId}}"></button>
and in your backbone for example in your initialize function:
or you can create an event in backbone
events: {
'click #addLine' : 'addNewBlock'
addNewBlock: function(e){
console.log( $(e.currentTarget).data("id"));