I have this code I use to get avatars from Facebook...
if auth.info.image.present?
user.update_attribute(:avatar, URI.parse(auth.info.image))
When I try to load the code now I get this error:
A RuntimeError occurred in authentications#create:
redirection forbidden: http://graph.facebook.com/672086173/picture?type=square -> https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-prn2/t5.0-1/1086349_672086173_156380036_q.jpg
/home/ubuntu/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.0/lib/ruby/2.1.0/open-uri.rb:223:in `open_loop'
I understand that this is a problem with Open-URI not allowing HTTP to HTTPS redirections... and I understand that this can be solved with Open-Uri-Redirections plugin https://github.com/jaimeiniesta/open_uri_redirections
But there are two things I don't understand:
The instructions for Open-Uri-redirections give the following example:
open('http://github.com', :allow_redirections => :safe)
How would I reconcile this with my code above?
If you are using omniauth-facebook
please follow deivid's answer.
Another way to solve this issue is to replace http with https. In that way it will redirect from https to https and you won't get a redirection forbidden error.
> url = auth.info.image
=> "http://graph.facebook.com/672086173/picture?type=square"
> avatar_url =url.gsub("http","https")
=> "https://graph.facebook.com/672086173/picture?type=square"
I had the exact same problem. I solve it with following steps
First in your gemfile add
gem 'open_uri_redirections'
and run bundle install to install the gem
And then in your model
def process_uri(uri)
require 'open-uri'
require 'open_uri_redirections'
open(uri, :allow_redirections => :safe) do |r|
Now process the avatar url with the method like
if auth.info.image.present?
avatar_url = process_uri(auth.info.image)
user.update_attribute(:avatar, URI.parse(avatar_url))
Hope this helps anyone else that may be having this issue.