I am trying to transfrom below grometry (geo referenced to australia)
POLYGON((-33.917172 151.110971,-33.916443 151.112495,-33.917637 151.113276,-33.917783 151.111512,-33.917253 151.111577,-33.917172 151.110971))
from SRID 4326 to 3112 using below query
SELECT AsText(Transform(PolygonFromText('POLYGON((-33.917172 151.110971,-33.916443 151.112495,-33.917637 151.113276,-33.917783 151.111512,-33.917253 151.111577,-33.917172 151.110971))',4326),3112)) as result
in spatialite GUI 1.7.1 with spatialite 4.1.1 with all GEOS,PROJ extensions enabled but the resulting geometry is
POLYGON((Inf Inf, Inf Inf, Inf Inf, Inf Inf, Inf Inf, Inf Inf))
Why is this happening?
Very easy, you just have to invert LON/LAT values:
SELECT AsText(Transform(PolygonFromText('POLYGON((151.110971 -33.917172, 151.112495 -33.916443, 151.113276 -33.917637, 151.111512 -33.917783, 151.111577 -33.917253, 151.110971 -33.917172))',4326),3112)) as result
POLYGON((1569305.481332 -3926985.759663, 1569455.307825 -3926925.091727, 1569508.606645 -3927065.382207, 1569345.639225 -3927059.314561, 1569359.502478 -3927002.182676, 1569305.481332 -3926985.759663))
POLYGON(x y) = POLYGON(lon lat)