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Filtering field with array as JSON in logstash

I'm starting out to collect logs with logstash. The current setup consist of a Java server using logback as logging mechanism and logstash-logback-encoder, outputting the data in a neat JSON representation. The basics work just fine.

I would like to separate additional data in JSON format in separate fields (so each key of the JSON ends up in its own field). logstash-logback-encoder provides a mechanism for that to output such data in a json_mesage field. However this JSON string is placed into a JSON array. See here a sample formatted for better reading.


I tried to parse the incoming JSON using a simple JSON filter. See here my configuration:

input {
  lumberjack {
    codec => "json"
filter {
  json {
    source => "json_message"
 output {
   elasticsearch {

However this leads to following error in the logstash log. The JSON string in an array simply can't be handled.

 :message=>"Trouble parsing json", 
 :exception=>#<TypeError: can't convert Array into String>, 

Is there a way to extract the JSON string from the array prior to parsing? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


  • Actually, it is quite simple and plays along the lines of common programming languages. Though, I did not find the answer in the docs.

    Just add an index to the field in the filter:

    filter {
      json {
        source => "json_message[0]"