I'm trying to test the presence of an internet connection in Corona SDK, using LuaSocket library.
I found this solution:
function test()
local connection = socket.tcp()
local result = connection:connect("www.google.com", 80)
if (result) then return true end
return false
But it have a problem: if there is a bad/unstable connection, the program is blocked until the socket is running (for various seconds).
So I tried like this:
connection:settimeout(1000, 't')
But it's very inaccurate (it's returning false where there is a little network lag). There is a better way?
Maybe making the socket not blocking?
UPDATE 2: I tried this code, but I can't really understand if it makes sense...
local socket = require("socket")
function test(callback, timeout)
if timeout == nil then timeout = 1000 end
local connection = socket.tcp()
connection:connect("www.google.com", 80)
local t
t = timer.performWithDelay( 10, function()
local r = socket.select({connection}, nil, 0)
if r[1] or timeout == 0 then
timer.cancel( t )
callback(timeout > 0)
timeout = timeout - 10
end , 0)
It always returns "no connection"
You can take a look over over network.setStatusListener.
You cannot use IP addresses with it but it seems like you don't care about that.