LINQ-style queries in Scala with json4s
look as follows:
val jvalue = parse(text) // (1) val jobject = for(JObject(o) <- jvalue) yield o // (2)
I do not understand exactly how (2) works. How would you de-sugar this for
-statement ?
for-comprehensions of the form
for(v <- generator) yield expr
are translated into => expr)
When you have a pattern match on the left, then any input values which do not match the pattern are filtered out. This means a partial function is created containing the match, and each input argument can be tested with isDefinedAt
val f: PartialFunction[JValue, JObject] = { case o@JObject(_) => o }
f.isDefinedAt(JObject(List[JField]())) //true
f.isDefinedAt(JNull) //false
This means your example will be translated into something like:
PartialFunction[JValue, List[JField]] mfun = { case JObject(o) -> o }
var jobject = jvalue.filter(mfun.isDefinedAt(_)).map(mfun)