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How to find all Subfolders of a Folder (View) in Lotus Notes

I am using the Java-API for Lotus Notes/Domino. I need to place Lotus-Documents inside auf Lotus-Folders (Views) which are organised like folders in the file system.

To find and optionaly create a folder I use the following code. The path-String uses the backslash separator (i.e. "TestFolder/SubFolder1/SubSubFolder1". The folders are created and displayed in the notes client as expected.

View view = database.getView(path);
if (view == null) {
    view = db.getView(path);

How can I find all subfolders of a specific folder?

Right now I am using this workaround. Imho this ist not very nice, because I am always reading ALL directories. When the structure gets larger, this will probably have an impact on the performance.

List<View> result = new ArrayList<View>();
String prefix = getPath() + getSeparator();
for (Object obj : database.getViews()) {
    View view = (View)obj;
    if (view.isFolder()) {
        String path = view.getName();
        if (path.startsWith(prefix)) {
            String suffix = path.substring(prefix.length());
            if (suffix.indexOf(getSeparator()) == -1) {


  • Unfortunately there is no really fast way of doing this. If you really need performance, then the only way to make it a significantly faster is to work with NoteCollection- Class and get all folders. Then run through the NotesDocuments representing the folders and read the item "$Title". Here is example code of doing this:

    NoteCollection nc = database.createNoteCollection(false);
    String id = nc.getFirstNoteID();
    while (id.length() > 0) {
      String strFolderName = ""
      Document docFolder = database.getDocumentByID(strFolderId);
      strFolderName = docFolder.getItemValueString("$Title");
      if (strFolderName.startsWith(prefix)) {

    In my tests this was factor 2-3 faster than using the getViews()- method.