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Error : 'QtGui/QMainWindow': No such file or directory : Qt 5.1.1

I have installed the Qt5.1.1 and create a new Gui Application. The code in mainwindow.h shows:

#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
#include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow>
#include <QtGui/QMainWindow>

I think it is fine. But when I run it, I have this:

error: C1083: Cannot open include file: 'QtGui/QMainWindow': No such file or directory

I know when I replace

#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
#include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow>
#include <QtGui/QMainWindow>


#include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow>

it works.

I just wonder why the default code is wrong and how to make the defauly code right.


  • You may have another option.

    You can also add widgets in your .pro file like

    greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets

    By adding this line in .pro file, Now you just no need to worry about Qt version and include file like <QtGui/QMainWindow> or <QtWidgets/QMainWindow>

    Hope it will useful to you.