I used action mode to show selection mode, but when the selected item count is 0, it will auto exit action mode. I want to keep in selection mode unless user press back key.
ModeCallback mModeCallBack = new ModeCallback();
private class ModeCallback implements GridView.MultiChoiceModeListener {
I have fixed this issue.
public void onItemCheckedStateChanged(ActionMode mode, int position, long id, boolean checked) {
mCheckedCount = mGridview.getCheckedItemCount();
// if we unselect the last item, cout is 0, we set it to -1, so it will not exit action mode(because if cout==0, mode.finish()).
// if we select 1 item, we should plus this "1" back. unless the count will be woring.
if (mCheckedCount == 0) {
Utils.modifyFileValue(mGridview, "mCheckedItemCount", mCheckedCount + (checked ? 1 : -1));
String title = "";
// we must get the count again, because we changed it.
mCheckedCount = mGridview.getCheckedItemCount();
title = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.select_albums, mCheckedCount > 0 ? mCheckedCount : 0);
if (checked) {
} else {
public static void modifyFileValue(Object object, String filedName, int filedValue) {
//for my case, I want to get mCheckedItemCount in AbsListView.class, but i passed Gridview, so it should getSuperclass(). because GridView don't have mCheckedItemCount.
Class classType = object.getClass().getSuperclass();
Field fild = null;
try {
fild = classType.getDeclaredField(filedName);
fild.set(object, filedValue);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) {
} catch (Exception ex) {