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How to convert lat longs into degree format for Google Earth?

I have lat/long coordinates for a list of ports. The coordinates are in a 2856N 05211E format (totally made those numbers up, btw). I'm trying to figure out how I can convert them to the degree format the Google Earth pluginuses in order to plot them on a map. Is there a parameter in the API that I could use to convert this? Any ideas would be appreciated.


  • I'm assuming you can parse the values yourself. If not, then provide the language you wish to use.

    The conversion is simple, Degrees/Min/Sec(DMS) to Decimal Degrees is

    result = D + M/60 + S/3600;

    If S or W,

    result *= -1;

    As always, do your own error checking.

    -90 <= lat <= 90

    -180 <= lon <= 180