The polygon points along with the uncut, original image are sent by client to the server.
Is there a way that I can clip (crop) the original image along these points in Python server, and save the cropped image? I am currently using PIL, and would prefer a PIL or PIL extended solution.
Thanks in advance
I found a solution using numpy and PIL- so thought I will share:
import numpy
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
# read image as RGB and add alpha (transparency)
im ="crop.jpg").convert("RGBA")
# convert to numpy (for convenience)
imArray = numpy.asarray(im)
# create mask
polygon = [(444,203),(623,243),(691,177),(581,26),(482,42)]
maskIm ='L', (imArray.shape[1], imArray.shape[0]), 0)
ImageDraw.Draw(maskIm).polygon(polygon, outline=1, fill=1)
mask = numpy.array(maskIm)
# assemble new image (uint8: 0-255)
newImArray = numpy.empty(imArray.shape,dtype='uint8')
# colors (three first columns, RGB)
newImArray[:,:,:3] = imArray[:,:,:3]
# transparency (4th column)
newImArray[:,:,3] = mask*255
# back to Image from numpy
newIm = Image.fromarray(newImArray, "RGBA")"out.png")