How to group data with fixed header template in list view? Here is my sample code:
FYI, I don't have server grouping. I want to display data by sample_number and date_collected. Can anyone help with this.
JSON Data: d{analytical_value:1002.0, data_collected:01/14/14, parameter:Density @15C, sample_number:"1"}
here is my updated code sample.
I've passed the I've passed the array d
from the returned data to the template.
Note, in my sample, I'm use the hardcoded data you sent and not data from the service.
<div data-role="view" id="foo" data-init="mobileListViewHeadersInit">
<ul id="list"></ul>
<script id="tmp" type="text/x-kendo-template">
#: __type # <br />
#: date_collected #<br />
#: parameter #<br />
#: analytical_value #
var app = new;
var ds = {"d":[{"__type":"Service1.Sample:#MobileWCFService","analytical_value":"1002.0 ","date_collected":"01\/14\/14","letter":"1","parameter":"Density @ 15°C "},{"__type":"Service1.Sample:#MobileWCFService","analytical_value":"464.0 ","date_collected":"01\/14\/14","letter":"1","parameter":"Viscosity @ 50 °C "}]};
function mobileListViewHeadersInit(){
dataSource:{data: ds.d}),
template: $("#tmp").html()