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easily share/access single variable (string) between 2 local running processes

2 local and running applications: App #1 periodically (timer1 @30sec) writes "ping" to a shared/"crossprocess" string. App #2 periodically checks (timer2 @60sec) if shared string == "ping" and overwrites it with "pong". As timer2 > timer1 App #2 will always receive/read the string as "ping". If not then I can certainly assume that App #1 crashed/hangs and restart it.

I know this can be done really easy with Clipboard...

Clipboard.SetData("checkthis", "ping");
object clip = Clipboard.GetData("checkthis")
if (clip.ToString() == "ping")
    Clipboard.SetData("checkthis", "pong");

...but I think it is a really bad idea to use Clipboard as the user can easily mess it up. Is there an other solution as easy to use as Clipboard?


  • Memory-mapped files are one approach: will do the job.

    Named Pipes are another.

    An ordinary file work, too. Just have each process put a FileSystemWatcher on the file and listen for changes.