I am generating a report out of AD of users with contract expiry dates listed. So far I have been able to come up with this, which outputs to a CSV file with custom headings and the date shortened.
Get-QADUser -SizeLimit 0 -IncludedProperties AccountExpires,Domain,Name -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties | Where { $_.Title -ne "Resource" } | Select @{Label="Domain";Expression={(($_.Domain).Name)}},@{Label="Employee Name";Expression={($_.Name)}},@{Label="Contract Expiry Date";Expression={(($_.AccountExpires).ToShortDateString())}},title,department,Office | Export-Csv C:\ExportForHR.csv -NoTypeInformation
What I'm wanting to do is put a custom value in column "Contract Expiry Date", if they have no value.
I.e. if I don't have a contract, the default value is null, therefore nothing shows in the spreadsheet. But what if I wanted to put "No contract expiry" or "Full time expiry" in the field instead?
Couldn't find anything that would be suitable using the command above. I could probably write a full powershell script to output to a CSV file by not using things like Select and export-csv, but I'd rather not, unless I really have to.
You're about 95% of the way there. The script block in the Expression section of Select-Object is a full script block, so you can perform the test right in there:
Get-QADUser -SizeLimit 0 -IncludedProperties AccountExpires,Domain,Name -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties |
Where { $_.Title -ne "Resource" } |
@{Label="Employee Name";Expression={($_.Name)}},
@{Label="Contract Expiry Date";Expression={
if ($_.AccountExpires -ne $null) {
} else {
| Export-Csv C:\ExportForHR.csv -NoTypeInformation