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Rails rufus-scheduler jobs returning nil

I'm using rufus-scheduler to schedule jobs at a certain date through the following code:

  job = Rufus::Scheduler.singleton.schedule_at @post.read_attribute(:parse_time).to_s do


I then save the id of that job in my post class


However, if I try and access that job again by calling:


I get an error because the job is nil. If I try and look at the jobs of the Scheduler by calling:

I get a blank array. Can anyone explain why my jobs aren't saving properly kept / being tracked?

Here's my initialization file for the scheduler. Do I have to do anything to enable singleton though? Or does it come with rails automatically:

require 'rufus-scheduler'

# Create singleton rufus scheduler
s = Rufus::Scheduler.singleton


  • rufus-scheduler doesn't keep triggered jobs around.

    Your job has probably triggered and is gone.