My script accepts a stream on stdin. I want to pass the first line through to stdout no matter what, and grep the remaining lines with -v
and also pass those out to stdout.
I worked out a solution using tee, but I'm wondering if this is guaranteed to always print the output of head
before the output of grep
? What if head
was replaced with something that blocked for 20 minutes before printing anything, would that output appear at the end of stdout after the output of grep
tee >(head -n 1) >(tail -n +2 | grep -v -E "$PATTERN")
If the order is not guaranteed, what is the right way of doing this?
You are overthinking this and you don't need tee
, head
or tail
You can consume the first line using read
and just print it out, then use grep
on the rest:
$ printf "foo\nbar\nquux\n" | { read v; echo "$v"; grep -v bar; }
Or, combining the logic into a single awk
statement and avoiding the problem altogether:
$ printf "foo\nbar\nquux\n" | awk 'NR==1{print;next} !/bar/'