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Protect REST URL with same path and different http methods

I have a situation that I need some assistance with. I have four REST URL with same path and different http methods

/api/users/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE

I want to use Shiro to protoct the PUP, POST, DELETE and keep GET is anonymous. I configured the following URLs but with out luck

/api/users/** =rest[user:update,user:delete,user:create]
/api/users/** =anon


  • Maybe you could do something like this:


    Then, it kind of depends on how you are creating the REST APIs. With a JAX-RS implementation, like Jersey for example, you could do the following:

    public class SomeResource {
        public Response getResource() {..}
        public Response putResource() {..}
        public Response postResource() {..}
        public Response deleteResource() {..}

    This is assuming that you are going with the Annotations based authorization. You could also use the SecurityUtils.getSubject() mechanism.