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How to serialize a QJSonObject?

I am new to the JSON and I started experimenting with it, but I couldn't manage to save any of my QJsonObject, or QJsonArrays at all. Did I get it right, if I want to get the Json format of my QjsonObject I have to serialize it?

Basically I want to save in a json file all my QJsonObsject but it's not working, here is my code

    QtJson::JsonObject ingredient;
    ingredient["name"] = newIngredient->GetName();
    ingredient["pirce"] = newIngredient->GetPrice();
    ingredient["date"] = newIngredient->GetDate();
    QByteArray data = Json::serialize(ingredient);

    qDebug() >> data;

Like I found out there is no more Json, not QJson, so is there any serialize() function what I could use? Thanks and sorry if I used the wrong terms, I am learning them yet.


  • Use QJsonDocument to serialize/deserialize JSON. See below:

    QJsonObject ingredient;
    ingredient["name"] = QString("testName");
    ingredient["date"] = QString("testDate");
    QJsonDocument doc(ingredient);
    QByteArray bytes = doc.toJson();
    qDebug() << bytes;

    This snippet will produce the following JSON output:

    "date": "testDate",
    "name": "testName"