I'm getting the error instance method '-callDelegateOnMainThread:withArg:error:' not found
what should I do here? I merged in some achievement code into Ray Wenderlichs turn based multiplayer code.
The functions are part of the following interface:
@interface GCTurnBasedMatchHelper : NSObject <GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewControllerDelegate, GKTurnBasedEventHandlerDelegate, GKAchievementViewControllerDelegate, MFMessageComposeViewControllerDelegate> {
BOOL gameCenterAvailable;
BOOL userAuthenticated;
UIViewController *presentingViewController;
NSMutableDictionary* earnedAchievementCache;
GKTurnBasedMatch *currentMatch;
//id <GCTurnBasedMatchHelperDelegate> delegate;
Here are the functions
- (void) submitAchievement: (NSString*) identifier percentComplete: (double) percentComplete
//GameCenter check for duplicate achievements when the achievement is submitted, but if you only want to report
// new achievements to the user, then you need to check if it's been earned
// before you submit. Otherwise you'll end up with a race condition between loadAchievementsWithCompletionHandler
// and reportAchievementWithCompletionHandler. To avoid this, we fetch the current achievement list once,
// then cache it and keep it updated with any new achievements.
if(self.earnedAchievementCache == NULL)
[GKAchievement loadAchievementsWithCompletionHandler: ^(NSArray *scores, NSError *error)
if(error == NULL)
NSMutableDictionary* tempCache = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: [scores count]];
for (GKAchievement* score in scores)
[tempCache setObject: score forKey: score.identifier];
self.earnedAchievementCache = tempCache;
[self submitAchievement: identifier percentComplete: percentComplete];
//Something broke loading the achievement list. Error out, and we'll try again the next time achievements submit.
[self callDelegateOnMainThread: @selector(achievementSubmitted:error:) withArg: NULL error: error];
//Search the list for the ID we're using...
GKAchievement* achievement = [self.earnedAchievementCache objectForKey: identifier];
if(achievement != NULL)
if((achievement.percentComplete >= 100.0) || (achievement.percentComplete >= percentComplete))
//Achievement has already been earned so we're done.
achievement= NULL;
achievement.percentComplete= percentComplete;
achievement = [[[GKAchievement alloc] initWithIdentifier: identifier] autorelease];
achievement.percentComplete= percentComplete;
//Add achievement to achievement cache...
[self.earnedAchievementCache setObject: achievement forKey: achievement.identifier];
if(achievement != NULL)
//Submit the Achievement...
[achievement reportAchievementWithCompletionHandler: ^(NSError *error)
[self callDelegateOnMainThread: @selector(achievementSubmitted:error:) withArg: achievement error: error];
- (void) achievementSubmitted: (GKAchievement*) ach error:(NSError*) error;
if((error == NULL) && (ach != NULL))
if (ach.percentComplete == 100.0) {
//UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Achievement Earned!"
// message:(@"%@",ach.identifier)
// delegate:nil
// cancelButtonTitle:@"OK"
// otherButtonTitles:nil];
//[alert show];
//[alert release];
TRACE("achievement submitted %s\n", [ach.identifier UTF8String]);
// Achievement Submission Failed.
printf("Achievement Submission Failed\n");
Looks like this is the missing code you are looking for. Just put it inside of your GCTurnBasedMatchHelper.m
- (void) callDelegateOnMainThread: (SEL) selector withArg: (id) arg error: (NSError*) err
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void)
[self callDelegate: selector withArg: arg error: err];
- (void) callDelegate: (SEL) selector withArg: (id) arg error: (NSError*) err
assert([NSThread isMainThread]);
if([delegate respondsToSelector: selector])
if(arg != NULL)
[delegate performSelector: selector withObject: arg withObject: err];
[delegate performSelector: selector withObject: err];
NSLog(@"Missed Method");