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Using cell value in formula

If I have a variable in Stata that has a number, can I use that value embedded in a formula?

For example, I variable days (days) and for each individual I want to use that number in a second formula:

ID    Days    var_x_1    var_x_2    var_x_3    var_x_4    var_x_5    var_x_6
A      2        7           8          9          10         2          1
B      1        1           7          1          11         12         11
C      6        7           9          2          12         6          12
D      2        2           4          3          17         7          18

gen new_var = var_x_DAYS

Variable new_var would take the value in Days and pull the corresponding from the var_x list:

ID new_var
A    8
B    1
C    12
D    4

I have tried:

local DaysUse = Days
g new_var = var_x_`DaysUse'

However, this did not work.


  • That last statement could be perfectly legal; it just doesn't do what you want. Consider

    local DaysUse = Days
    g new_var = var_x_`DaysUse'

    A local macro is just some text. More crucially, it is a text constant or scalar, not a variable or vector of text elements. Here Stata will understand you as wanting

    local DaysUse = Days[1] 

    so that your local will contain the string 2, at least for your example, so that

    g new_var = var_x_2 

    will be the net result after macro substitution. If you went

    local DaysUse = "Days"

    you would get

    g new_var = var_x_Days

    which is no use here.

    There is more positive technique for your problem.

    gen new_var = . 
    quietly forval j = 1/6 { 
        replace new_var = var_x_`j' if Days == `j' 

    Stata has something a little like what you want. Consider

    sysuse auto, clear
    set seed 2803 
    gen index = ceil(runiform() * 74)
    gen bsample_mpg_1 = mpg[index]
    gen bsample_mpg_2 = mpg[ceil(runiform() * 74]

    as two ways of getting bootstrap samples in place. But that doesn't extend to what you asked for.