I followed this tutorial to enable REST service on my local CAS server.
However there is no Java example
"Java REST Client Example
We need a real, working, example, the previous one is useless. Many people are emailing me that it is not working, and I confirm it does not work."
I was able to find this but that unfortunately did not work for me.
Any pointers/links? Much appreciated.
Got it!
Here is the complete solution on how to enable CAS REST API and be able to connect to it via JAVA REST client to benefit others
- Get CAS source code.
- Review this article
- Add following to pom.xml like suggested by the article in #2
- Make sure to add following to pom.xml to avoid Spring jar collisions. In my case, cas-server-integration-restlet was dependent on spring-web, which used by default older version of Spring. So, I explicitly defined
- Compile your cas code. Should get cas.war in your target folder.
- Upload it to your server, change permissions to tomcat and wait for it to get deployed
- In CATALINA/conf find server.xml and uncomment 8443 port configuration so that our sever will allow SSL connections. Also, specify your certs in here.
- Now navigate to exploded cas.war file and drill down to WEB-INF folder to find deployerConfigContext.xml file. Specify what CAS would use to authenticate. In my case, I used LDAP.
- Add following to web.xml per article above
- Restart tomcat for changes to take effect.
- Test that you can log in via standard CAS UI:
- Test that REST API was exposed via:
- Now let's connect to it. I used this sample code. Make sure to give correct links and username/password
- When I tried running the code as is, it complained about "Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target". Basically asking you to install certs. If you have the access to the server, just copy it over. If not, I found this code that will take care of the installation for you if you dont have access or just too lazy :)
- Now, if you run the JAVA CAS Client with valid credentials you should see something like
Tgt is : TGT-4-rhVWLapYuOYi4InSEcmfNcABzaLMCPJgGIzlKqU1vb50zxb6pp-server_name.ndev.coic.mil
Service url is : service=https%3A%2F%2Fmyserver.com%2FtestApplication
Response code is: 200
- You can see 200 code and the ticket. If you were to review logs of your cas on the server, you should see messages about successful athentication and ticket generation.
- Change username/password to some dummy data and try to run the code. You will get 400 error message, which means that permission to access was denied.