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PyLint failing for a number of Django imports

I am using PyLint,

pylint -e app/

Gives me errors like

E:  3: No name 'shortcuts' in module 'django'
E:  7: No name 'db' in module 'django'

But passes for other django imports. Since it passes for other Django import Django is on my pythonpath.


  • I think I figured it out -- if you jump into a python session and actually try to import anything from django.db

    from django.db import *

    you'll get an error about DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE not being set. Setting the environment variable and pointing it to your like app.settings should fix the error for you.

    When I tried this in an Eclipse/PyDev config I had to disable pylint, build, then re-enable pylint to finally clear out those errors.