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Using CancellationToken for timeout in Task.Run does not work

OK, my questions is really simple. Why this code does not throw TaskCancelledException?

static void Main()
    var v = Task.Run(() =>
        return 10;
    }, new CancellationTokenSource(500).Token).Result;

    Console.WriteLine(v); // this outputs 10 - instead of throwing error.

But this one works

static void Main()
    var v = Task.Run(() =>
        return 10;
    }, new CancellationToken(true).Token).Result;

    Console.WriteLine(v); // this one throws


  • Cancellation in Managed Threads:

    Cancellation is cooperative and is not forced on the listener. The listener determines how to gracefully terminate in response to a cancellation request.

    You didn't write any code inside your Task.Run method to access your CancellationToken and to implement cancellation - so you effectively ignored the request for cancellation and ran to completion.