I am testing method last_photo
def last_photo
@last_photo ||= user_updates.latest.where("photo_front IS NOT NULL and photo_front != ''").first.try(:photo_front)
context "instance method" do
let(:user) { create :user }
context "last photo" do
before { create_list(:user_update, 3, user: user) }
let(:user_updates){ user.user_updates }
describe "#last_photo" do
subject { user.last_photo }
it { should eq user_updates.latest.first.photo_front }
the test should be successful. But there are strange error.
Attached GIST.
The answer is pretty simple really:
expected: #<PhotoUploader:0x00000007e34868 ...
got: #<PhotoUploader:0x00000007ebc100 ...
The values might be the same, but the objects are different in memory. Since you're doing a comparison on the objects, rspec expects the objects to be the exact same.
Now, user.user_updates
and user_updates
are two different variables in memory. You should do a comparison on the values.