I have different logs locations in development and in production, they also may be different platforms, so I want to configure the logs just one time using a environment variable.
Possible locations: C:/logs/ T:/logs/ /var/logs/
In this question they need just that, but it is applied to Java and is using the Java system properties, obviously not available in C++.
So, is there a way to use a environment variable in the log4cxx config file?
It works just the same way as in Java.
For example, in an XML configuration read with log4cxx::xml::DOMConfigurator::configure
, containing <param name="file" value="${LOG_DIR}/traces.log"/>
, the environment variable LOG_DIR
will be correctly substituted. Tested on Linux/Ubuntu 12.01 with log4cxx 0.9.7.
Also see my question and the answer here: https://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/logging-log4cxx-user/201403.mbox/%3C1378908733.20140324173531%40am-soft.de%3E