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Problems with loading value after postback

I got a toolbar with different actions the user can start. In the user interface it looks like:

User interface

If I press on the "Ok" button the value will not known at the backend. My code structure is the following:

Configuration of an action

<Action Id="MyAction" Name="Action with Form">
        <asp:TextBox xmlns:asp="System.Web.UI.WebControls" ID="txtValue" runat="server" />


<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="cphToolbar" Runat="Server">
    <asp:PlaceHolder ID="plhToolbar" runat="server" />

VB-File to the ASPX-File

Partial Class Form
    Inherits UI.Page

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Me.plhToolbar.Controls.Add(Me.CreateActionToolbar(<XML configuration element for the toolbar>))
    End Sub
End Class

Page base class

Namespace UI
    Public MustInherit Class Page
        Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

        Protected Overridable Function CreateActionToolbar(source As XmlElement) As Interfaces.IActions
            Dim oAction As Interfaces.IActions = Me.LoadControl("~/Controls/Toolbar/Actions.ascx")

            For Each element As XmlElement In source.SelectNodes("node()").OfType(Of XmlElement)()
                Dim NewItem As New Controls.ActionItem

                'set settings for the toolbar element

                'add fields to form
                For Each Item As XmlNode In element.SelectNodes("Form/node()", oNamespaceManager)
                    If (TypeOf Item Is XmlElement) Then
                        If (NewItem.Fields Is Nothing) Then NewItem.Fields = New List(Of XmlElement)

                    End If


            Return oAction
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace

Action user control

Partial Class Actions

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        For Each Item As ActionItem In Me.Items
            'set settings for action

            If (Not (Item.Fields Is Nothing)) Then
                Dim oPanel As New Panel
                oPanel.ID = "dlgActionPanel" & Me.dlgAction.Controls.Count

                Dim oFields As New Panel
                oFields.ID = oPanel.ID & "_Controls"

                For Each Field As XmlElement In Item.Fields
                    Dim oControl As System.Web.UI.Control = Nothing

                        oControl = Me.ParseControl(Field.OuterXml)
                    Catch ex As Exception
                        oControl = New LiteralControl("<font style=""color:red;"">" & ex.Message & "</font>")
                    End Try


                Dim pnlResult As New Panel
                Dim btnOk As New Button
                btnOk.ID = "btnOk_" & oPanel.ID
                AddHandler btnOk.Click, AddressOf Ok_Click
                btnOk.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ShowWaitDialog();")
                btnOk.Attributes.Add("ItemId", NewAnchor.Attributes("ItemId"))
                btnOk.UseSubmitBehavior = False
                btnOk.Text = Me.AcceptDialogText
                Dim btnCancel As New Button
                btnCancel.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ShowWaitDialog();$('#" & oPanel.ClientID & "').dialog('close');CloseWaitDialog();return false;")
                btnCancel.Text = Me.CancelDialogText

                Dim strMessageControlId As String = oPanel.ClientID
                strClientScript &= "$(""#" & strMessageControlId & """).dialog({" & NewLine
                strClientScript &= "    bgiframe:true, " & NewLine
                strClientScript &= "    autoOpen:false, " & NewLine
                strClientScript &= "    modal:true, " & NewLine
                strClientScript &= "    closeOnEscape:false, " & NewLine
                strClientScript &= "    width:600, " & NewLine
                strClientScript &= "    height:450, " & NewLine
                strClientScript &= "    minWidth:450, " & NewLine
                strClientScript &= "    minHeight:300, " & NewLine
                If (Not (Item.Description Is Nothing)) Then strClientScript &= "    title:'" & Item.Description & "', " & NewLine
                strClientScript &= "    open: function(event, ui) { $("".ui-dialog-titlebar-close"").hide(); } " & NewLine
                strClientScript &= "});" & NewLine

                If (String.IsNullOrEmpty(NewAnchor.Attributes("onclick"))) Then NewAnchor.Attributes.Add("onclick", String.Empty)
                NewAnchor.Attributes("onclick") &= "$('#" & oPanel.ClientID & "').dialog('open');"
            End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Ok_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim oDialog As Panel = Nothing
        If (Not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sender.ID))) Then oDialog = Me.dlgAction.FindControl(sender.ID.Substring(sender.ID.IndexOf("_") + 1) & "_Controls")

        Dim oAction As ActionItem = Items.Find(Function(item) item.ItemId = sender.Attributes("ItemId"))

        If (Not (oDialog Is Nothing)) Then
            For Each Field As XmlElement In oAction.Fields
                Dim oControl As WebControl = Nothing

                If (Not (Field.SelectSingleNode("@Id|@ID") Is Nothing)) Then oControl = oDialog.FindControl(Field.SelectSingleNode("@Id|@ID").Value)

                If (Not (oControl Is Nothing)) Then
                    Dim oParameter As SqlClient.SqlParameter = oAction.Parameters.Find(Function(item) item.ParameterName = "@" & oControl.ID.Substring(3))

                    If (Not (oParameter Is Nothing)) Then
                        Select Case oControl.GetType.ToString
                            Case GetType(TextBox).ToString
                                'After postback the value is empty!!!
                                If (Not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CType(oControl, TextBox).Text))) Then oParameter.Value = CType(oControl, TextBox).Text
                            'more controls
                            Case Else
                        End Select
                    End If
                End If
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

Where is the fault that the value of the TextBox is after PostBack empty and not set because of the View State?

Thanks for any response.


  • I could solve it. The problem was that the jQuery dialog was not PostBack save. The solution was
