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Customize AutoHotkey Syntax Highlighting for UltraEdit?

I am using UltraEdit for writing/editing my AutoHotkey scripts. To enjoy of syntax highlighting for AutoHotkey scripts in UltraEdit I have installed "Run this to install syntax highlighting for UltraEdit.ahk" which comes together with AutoHotkey installation. The issue is that I don't like the way 'comments' and 'strings' are formatted in Italic.

How do you change format and AutoHotkey syntax highlighting for UltraEdit; particularly for 'comments' and 'strings' so that they are shown in Normal font style (non-italic) ?


  • Change the colors in UltraEdit (scroll down to "Manage Themes - Syntax") :

    from the mentioned script:

    SyntaxFileNameList = CommandNames|Keywords|Variables|Functions|Keys|Operators|Separators|Special
    ;Default colors in UE:  blue     |red     |orange   |green    |brown|blue    |blue      |blue