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How to use Elastic Transcoder in JAVA?

I'm working a JAVA web project and upload media on S3 with liferay as backend. Now I want to transcode those videos with Elastic Transcoder and then stream them. I want to create a script that helps me process the videos from my project automatically rather than going to Elastic Transcoder console and then making a job every now or then.

Can anyone tell me how to proceed on this?

Also i was trying to add a prefix on the output file of Elastic Transcoder .. but when I Add Output Key it creates a directory instead of adding a prefix to the file.

I want something like prefix-file-name.[media format]

Can anyone help regarding this?


  • To do this, you would have your process create a job for the media file after the S3 uploads is complete:

    You should have a pre-defined pipeline you're using to create the job. With regards to the output key/prefix, you should specify the prefix/"directory" as the output prefix, with all other output paths as relative to the output prefix you specify.

    An example of setting output prefix/paths can be found here: