i got following output and want to test whether its line count (e.g. wc -l) is equal to 2. if so, i want to append something. It must use only chain pipes.
start input:
echo "This is a
new line Test"
goal output:
"This is a
new line Test
some chars"
But only if start input line count equals 2.
i tried already something like:
echo "This is a
new line Test" | while read line ; do lines=$(echo "$lines\n$line") ; echo $all ... ; done
But none of the ideas got to the solution. Using sed/awk, etc is ok, only it should be a chained pipe.
awk '1; END {if (NR <= 2) print "another line"}' file
Here's another way just for fun: bash version 4
mapfile lines <file; (IFS=; echo "${lines[*]}"); ((${#lines[@]} <= 2)) && echo another line
better bash: tee into a process substitution
$ seq 3 | tee >( (( $(wc -l) <= 2 )) && echo another line )
$ seq 2 | tee >( (( $(wc -l) <= 2 )) && echo another line )
another line
$ seq 1 | tee >( (( $(wc -l) <= 2 )) && echo another line )
another line