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php "is_dir" file listings for Intranet site

I'm creating a test file to get all files located in an intranet folder and simply put an icon image next to the file listed according to its extension. For some reason, the code is not pulling things correctly.

Here's a screen shot of the windows explorer view of the files in the directory.

enter image description here

And here is my code:


  $dir="file:///.....to_my_directory"; // Directory where files are stored

  if ($dir_list = opendir($dir)) {
     while(($filename = readdir($dir_list)) != false) {

        if (is_dir($filename)) {
      $img = 'folder_img.jpg';
    } else {

      $filestuff = pathinfo($filename);
      $file_ext = isset($filestuff['extension']) ? $filestuff['extension'] : null;
      switch($file_ext) {
        case 'pdf':
        $img = 'pdf_img.jpg';

        case 'doc' || 'docx' || 'docm' || 'dotm' || 'dotx':
        $img = 'word_img.jpg';

        case 'xls' || 'xlsm' || 'xltx' || 'xlam' || 'xlsx' || 'xlm' || 'xlt' || 'xlsb':
        $img = 'excel_img.jpg';

        case 'txt':
        $img = 'txt_file_img.jpg';

        case NULL:
        $img = 'blank_file_img.jpg';

<p><span><img src='<?php echo $img; ?>' height='23px;'/><a href="<?php echo $filename; ?>"><?php echo $filename;?></a></span></p>



AND this is how it looks when I run it:

enter image description here

The problem is that certain extensions not listed are pulling the 'Microsoft WORD' icon.

The 'Access Database' file with extension '.mdb' is pulling a Word icon, the extension '.mdb_hcu' is also pulling a WORD icon.

How do I make it the BLANK file option (see my switch case where answer is NULL)

Also, how do I organize so that the folders are listed first and everything is in alphabetical order?

Is there a plugin that allows me to achieve this easier?


  • Problem is that you can't list case values like this:

    case 'doc' || 'docx' || 'docm' || 'dotm' || 'dotx':

    That will get evaluated as one statement which will evaluate to true. Then the extension will compare to that result and unless the extension is NULL, the case will be true.

    You need to list out each case option like so:

    case 'doc':    //if
    case 'docx':   //any
    case 'docm':   //of
    case 'dotm':   //these
    case 'dotx':   //are true
                   //this will run
        //set image
        break;     //up to this

    If any of the cases are true (equal to the extension), the code inside the case will run until the break is hit.