I have a "stack.h" and a "stack.cpp" file that define a hand-made stack class.
What i want to do now, is to create another class "name" that has in it's composition a vector of "nr" stacks and i'm not sure where to start.
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "stiva.h"
template <class T>
class depou {
int nr;
std::vector<stiva<T> > depouArray;
depou (int x, int lungTren);
template <class T>
depou<T>::depou (int x, int lungTren){
int i;
nr = x;
depouArray = new std::vector<stiva<T> > (nr);
/* for (i=0; i<nr; i++){
depouArray[i] = stiva<T> (lungTren);
} this is incorrect */
My name.h doesn't compile i just want to know if it's possible to do a vector of that kind.
My stack header is called "stiva", so i edited the "name.h" file according so.
#pragma once
template <class T>
class stiva {
int top;
int size;
T *stackArray;
stiva (int s);
~stiva (){ delete [] stackArray; }
int push (const T&);
int pop (T&);
int topElem (T&);
int isEmpty (){return top == -1;}
int isFull () {return top == size -1;}
int search (T x);
void setSize (const int& sz){
template <class T>
stiva<T>::stiva (){
size = 10;
top = -1;
stackArray = new T[size];
template <class T>
stiva<T>::stiva (int s){
size = s>0 && s<1000? s : 10;
top = -1;
stackArray = new T[size];
template <class T>
int stiva<T>::push (const T& x){
if (!isFull()){
stackArray[++top] = x;
return 1;
size *= 2;
stackArray = (T*) realloc (stackArray, 2*size * sizeof(T));
stackArray[++top] = x;
return 1;
return 0;
template <class T>
int stiva<T>::pop (T& popValue){
if (!isEmpty ()){
popValue = stackArray[top--];
return 1;
return 0;
template <class T>
int stiva<T>::topElem (T& topValue){
if (!isEmpty ()){
topValue = stackArray[top];
return 1;
return 0;
in main i initialize like this:
depou d(5,10);
You can initialize the vector to your given size in the member intializer of the constructor:
template <class T>
class name {
int nr;
std::vector<stack<T> > nameArray;
name (int x) : nr(x), nameArray(nr) {}
//other methods
Working example here: http://codepad.org/ZT9iuQEg